It is amazing how grown adults can sit around a table and loose the ability to speak intelligently. This phenomena was experienced at my “fake birthday” celebration while I was home in the US. Since I would not be with my family for my birthday, they all decided to have a small birthday dinner before I left (this was a difficult task considering all the other planned events going on at the time). We gathered at Sarah’s and had a causal night with pizza – a perfect way to celebrate. All 7 adults in the room sat sitting and staring at Augie as he stuck out his toung and blew raspberries. We then started sticking out our toungs and blowing raspberries… for about an hour. It was the best hour ever! I am not even kidding you when I say, “this kid is cute.” I could stick out my toung and blow raspberries all day with him.
That was fun. I doubt he will do that with us when he is 12. Glad we had the moment now.